One Green-Paper Flip

Friday, June 09, 2006

Sold! Er.... Not Sold!

So I posted the yellow snowboard at my work and I had many calls in the first few hours! I was thinking, "Great! I'll be rid of this thing in no time. And I was right... for a while. Someone came by and purchased it. She didn't know much about snowboards and she was my co-worker and all, so I told her she could bring it back in the next few days if it turned out not to be what she wanted.

DOH! Then she calls me back after her expert friend looks at it and I find out that this is more of a kids toy for the local park hill, rather than a decent snowboard for the ski-hills. I guess there's supposed to be metal on the sides to carve through the snow. Crap! No wonder they were selling it so cheap. This may be harder to get rid of than I thought. Now I have exactly what I was trying to avoid. A cheap item that costs a lot to ship, making ebay virtually not possible. I'll have to sell this locally. Sigh.... Well, I guess I can't expect to do this without learning a few lessons on the way.

Lesson 1 - Know what you're buying before you buy it. It's better to let a good deal go by than to get stuck with something you can't sell.
Lesson 2 - Stick to your plan. Cheap items need to be light to sell on ebay to minimise shipping charges.

I'm still hoping I can get $20 for this thing. I still think it would be cool for some kid. But what do I know, eh?


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